July 6, 2024

NERC & Committees

The North American Electric Reliability Corp., a not-for-profit authority, regulates reliability and security standards for the bulk power system in the continental U.S., Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and governmental authorities in Canada
NERC Opens Comments on Standards Plan
NERC has posted its draft 2021-2023 Reliability Standards Development Plan for an informal comment period ending Sept. 9.
NERC Extends Self-logging, Deferments Through Dec.
With no end in sight to the COVID-19 pandemic, NERC said it will extend the expansion to its self-logging program and defer on-site activities.
Reliability Guidelines, Standards Posted for Comment
NERC opened comment periods for proposed reliability guidelines on winter weather readiness and supply chain procurement.
NERC Reliability Issues Steering Committee Briefs: Aug. 6, 2020
The NERC Reliability Issues Steering Committee is changing the schedule for its Reliability Risk Priorities Report and updating its charter.
Resource Shifts Driving Grid Planning Changes
Winter is replacing summer as the period of greatest stress on the BPS thanks to a diversity of fuel sources, NERC’s State of Reliability Report said.
Robb Sees Need for Remote Grid Operations
Industry needs to improve its ties to state officials, maintain vigilance on cybersecurity, and develop plans to operate control rooms remotely, NERC CEO Jim Robb said.
AEMO: Vigilance Required on Inverter Makers
A representative of the Australian Energy Market Operator provided NERC with insights on Australia's high penetration of DERs, especially rooftop solar.
NERC Standards Committee Briefs: July 22, 2020
NERC’s Standards Committee expects to bring five standards development projects to a final ballot by the end of the year despite the COVID-19 pandemic.
NERC: Post-COVID Budget Rises Likely
NERC is planning for budget rises of 5% in both 2022 and 2023, in part because of deferring certain investments to keep its budget stable from 2020 to 2021.
AVR Standards Team Faces Industry Pushback
Stakeholders criticized the team working on revisions to NERC’s standard for protection functions in automatic voltage regulators for expanding the project's scope.

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