NERC & Committees
The North American Electric Reliability Corp., a not-for-profit authority, regulates reliability and security standards for the bulk power system in the continental U.S., Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and governmental authorities in Canada
NERC said grid planners must prepare for the coming surge in battery storage, which is expected to double to 4 GW by 2023.
NERC Trustees Robin Manning and George Hawkins were re-elected to the ERO's board, and Sue Kelly and Larry Irving joined to replace Jan Schori.
The rejection of the standard authorization request for Project 2020-01 has left the SPIDER Working Group in a quandary regarding its next steps.
Panelists at NERC’s Reliability Leadership Summit called for fresh thinking to address emerging cybersecurity threats to the grid.
NERC’s Standards Committee is accelerating the pace at which it approves standard authorization requests for industry comment, causing some concern.
FERC ordered NERC to audit the CMEPs of all regional entities by June 2023, rejecting the organization's proposed audit plan.
Industry participants support efforts to limit acquisition of foreign-manufactured hardware but warn that removal from existing systems will be challenging.
NERC has extended the expansion of its self-logging program and deferment of audits and other on-site activities in response to the continuing pandemic.
Inspired by the successful shift to remote work in 2020, NERC is considering a partially online format for future meetings of the Board of Trustees.
FERC ordered revisions to NERC’s pro forma regional delegation agreement and its RDAs with all regional entities while approving the agreements overall.
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