January 11, 2025

NERC & Committees

The North American Electric Reliability Corp., a not-for-profit authority, regulates reliability and security standards for the bulk power system in the continental U.S., Canada, and the northern portion of Baja California, Mexico. NERC is subject to oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and governmental authorities in Canada
Glick, Robb Call for Tx Build in West
FERC Chair Richard Glick and NERC CEO James Robb: The West needs to build transmission lines to connect renewable resources to load.
ERO Align Tool Goes Live for NERC, MRO, Texas RE
The first release of NERC's Align software platform and ERO Secure Evidence Locker is live for the organization, MRO and Texas RE.
NERC Warns of Batteries’ Hidden Thermal Risk
A new Lessons Learned report published by NERC goes over the mistakes that led to the fire and explosion of APS’ McMicken battery in Arizona.
Industry Unsold on NERC Virtualization Proposals
NERC’s proposed virtualization-related updates to its critical infrastructure protection standards are headed for another round of revisions.
NERC Standards Committee Briefs: March 17, 2021
The NERC Standards Committee modified its CIP standards and unanimously approved a new SAR drafting team for Project 2020-06.
ERO Enterprise Resists FERC’s Assessment Proposal
NERC and the regional entities pushed back on FERC’s proposal to shorten the time between the organization’s performance assessments from 5 years to 3.
NERC RSTC Briefs: March 2-3, 2021
NERC’s Reliability and Security Technical Committee took a number of actions regarding DER standards and committee subgroups in a two-day meeting.
NERC Standards Committee Briefs: Feb. 17, 2021
NERC’s Standards Committee moved forward with two standards projects, but not before revisiting an ongoing argument about the standards development process.
Slow Storm Restoration Sparks Anger in Texas, South
The inability of Midwestern grid operators to recover quickly from extreme winter weather drew customer anger, along with scrutiny from regulators.
NERC Touts Progress During ‘Extraordinary’ 2020
In its annual report, NERC applauded the ERO Enterprise for advancing the reliability and security of the power grid during an “extraordinary" year.

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