September 30, 2024
Jon Lamson
ISO New England Correspondent
Prior to joining RTO Insider, Jon worked as a freelance journalist covering climate and environmental issues across New England, writing for a variety of national and local outlets. He loves hiking and long guitar solos. His favorite tree is the eastern hemlock, as well the paper birch and also the sugar maple.

Recent Articles
State, Industry Reps Debate Future of Gas at NECA Fuels Conference
In a reflection of broader disagreements across the New England energy landscape, speakers at a Northeast energy conference presented divergent visions of the future role of natural gas.
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With FERC Inaction, ISO-NE Delays Order 2023 Implementation
ISO-NE submitted its compliance to the commission in May, but FERC has yet to rule on the proposal, throwing a wrench in the RTO's implementation timeline.
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Northeast Utility Commissioners Talk Costs of Grid Modernization
Increasing electricity prices must be met with a greater effort to reduce peak loads and protect low- and moderate-income ratepayers, several Northeast utility regulators said at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
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ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Sept. 18, 2024
New England transmission owners discussed updates to the guidelines for asset condition project presentations at the ISO-NE PAC to address concerns from states about transparency amid ballooning costs.
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Report Finds Mass. Storage Programs Falling Short on Equity
Massachusetts has some of the strongest incentives for storage resources in the country, but its storage programs are lagging in their focus on equity and environmental justice, according to a report.
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