July 7, 2024
Holden Mann
NERC / ERO Correspondent
Holden’s career in journalism spans 15 years and two continents. After getting his start as a TV news producer in Georgia, he moved to Asia in 2010 to attend the University of Hong Kong’s journalism program. That led to a stint at a children’s newspaper, followed by nearly five years at the Asian Venture Capital Journal charting the growth of the region’s private equity industry. Nowadays you’re most likely to find Holden at home in Atlanta with his wife and son, testing their patience with his latest recipes.

Recent Articles
FBI Warns Power Sector of IBR Cyber Vulnerabilities
The FBI warned that inverter-based resources may be particularly vulnerable to malicious cyber actors in an industry alert.
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NERC Promises 1st ITCS Results by August
NERC said it will release the ITCS by August, with additional U.S. analyses to be completed in November and Canadian results to follow next year.
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FERC Orders Further Cold Weather Standard Modifications
FERC directed NERC to submit further changes to its latest cold weather standard within the next nine months.
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FERC Accepts NERC ROP Changes, Drops Assessment Proposal
FERC accepted NERC's plan for registering inverter-based resources, while dropping a proposal to require more frequent performance assessments from the ERO.
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NERC Submits INSM Standard for FERC Approval
NERC submitted to FERC its proposed cybersecurity reliability standard requiring utilities to implement internal network security monitoring software on select grid cyber systems.
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