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The Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed PJM's recommended installed reserve margin and forecast pool requirement values for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction.
PJM presented the Markets and Reliability Committee with a proposed settlement with several clean energy associations and developers on its site control requirements for new generation projects.
PJM’s Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed two proposals to revise the RTO’s ELCC formula to add two new generation categories and limit the penalties resources face if their accreditation declines between auctions.
PJM’s markets provided reliable service in 2024, but tightening supply and demand are laying bare design flaws that have inhibited the competitiveness of the RTO’s markets, the Independent Market Monitor wrote in its 2024 State of the Market Report.
PJM presented the Planning Committee with a draft amendment to the Deactivation Enhancement Senior Task Force’s issue charge to add a key work activity focused on creating pro forma language for reliability-must-run agreements with generation owners seeking to deactivate a unit identified as being necessary for reliability.
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