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The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed transmission customers’ argument against ITC Midwest receiving an abandonment rate incentive for an Iowa line segment included MISO long-range transmission planning.
The Organization of MISO States advised MISO that it needs a central data-sharing platform for the participation of DER aggregators in its wholesale market.
FERC authorized another penalty concerning demand response violations in the MISO capacity market, this time approving an $18 million settlement over Voltus reportedly falsifying registrations and overstating capacity from 2017 to 2021.
FERC has opened hearing and settlement procedures into the more than half-billion dollars We Energies is asking customers to foot for the early retirement of the coal-fired Oak Creek Power Plant.
Protests and endorsements have turned up in response to MISO’s second attempt with FERC to annually cap project submittals to its interconnection queue based on a megawatt value.
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