September 12, 2024
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Consumer Response Saved Alberta Grid During Jan. 2024 Cold Snap
New Gas-fired Plants Leave AESO Better Prepared for Upcoming Winter
A WECC winter-weather readiness webinar featured a discussion of the Alberta Electric System Operator’s response to the severe cold snap of January 2024. AESO is heavily dependent on gas generation during cold weather.
A WECC winter-weather readiness webinar featured a discussion of the Alberta Electric System Operator’s response to the severe cold snap of January 2024. AESO is heavily dependent on gas generation during cold weather. | Electricity Canada
An emergency alert urging the public to conserve energy helped the Alberta Electric System Operator narrowly avert rolling blackouts during January’s extreme cold snap.
Battery Electric StorageCAISO/WEIMNatural GasOnshore WindResource AdequacyWECC