March 18, 2025
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Manchin not Ready to Give up on Bipartisan Permitting Bill
Senate ENR Hearing: 24/7 Dispatchable Power Needed for Data Centers, AI
Featured speakers at the hearing were (from left) Benjamin Fowke III, AEP; Karen Onaran, Electricity Consumers Resource Council; Scott Gatzemeier, Micron Technology; and Mark P. Mills, National Center for Energy Analytics.
Featured speakers at the hearing were (from left) Benjamin Fowke III, AEP; Karen Onaran, Electricity Consumers Resource Council; Scott Gatzemeier, Micron Technology; and Mark P. Mills, National Center for Energy Analytics. | Senate ENR Committee
Sen. Joe Manchin rebuffed Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertion that permitting reform was dead in the current Congress during an Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on load growth from data centers.
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