December 22, 2024
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Mass. DPU Hears Opposing Views on OSW Finances
Avangrid Seeks to Renegotiate Payments; Utilities, Attorney General Push Back
Work is shown at Avangrid's onshore wind farm in Groton, N.H. The company is seeking to alter the financials on a proposed offshore wind farm in neighboring Massachusetts, saying the plan is no longer viable in its current form.
Work is shown at Avangrid's onshore wind farm in Groton, N.H. The company is seeking to alter the financials on a proposed offshore wind farm in neighboring Massachusetts, saying the plan is no longer viable in its current form. | Avangrid
Avangrid declared the Commonwealth Wind project is no longer financially viable, potentially delaying the effort to site wind power off Massachusetts' coast.
Company NewsISO-NEMassachusettsOffshore WindOffshore Wind PowerState and Local Policy