March 9, 2025
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DC Circuit Faults FERC on Cost Allocation of New Jersey Transmission Projects
Rejects PJM ‘de Minimis’ Exemption from DFAX
Power Engineers said its work on the underground transmission project in the Bergen-Linden Corridor required a 6,600-foot-long trenchless crossing of Newark Bay, the longest horizontal directional drilling project for 345-kV cable in North America.
Power Engineers said its work on the underground transmission project in the Bergen-Linden Corridor required a 6,600-foot-long trenchless crossing of Newark Bay, the longest horizontal directional drilling project for 345-kV cable in North America. | Power Engineers
The D.C. Circuit rejected PJM’s “de minimis” exemption under its DFAX cost allocation and ordered FERC to explain its OK of DFAX's use in two N.J. projects.
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