March 7, 2025
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Ratepayers Protest FERC Retreat on Transmission Competition
April NOPR Proposes Reinstating Federal Right of First Refusal
<em>RTO Insider</em> Editor Rich Heidorn Jr. (left) moderates a panel discussion with (left to right), Erik Heinle, Office of the People's Counsel for the District of Columbia; Brian C. Drumm, ITC Holdings; Himali Parmar, ICF International; and Jennifer Chen, World Resources Institute.
RTO Insider Editor Rich Heidorn Jr. (left) moderates a panel discussion with (left to right), Erik Heinle, Office of the People's Counsel for the District of Columbia; Brian C. Drumm, ITC Holdings; Himali Parmar, ICF International; and Jennifer Chen, World Resources Institute. | Jay Caspary
Industrial energy users and other ratepayers are balking at FERC’s proposal to abandon Order 1000’s competition measures.
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Conference CoverageFERC & FederalPublic PolicyTransmission Planning