February 28, 2025
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Report: CCS Needs $1 Trillion Investment over 30 Years
US DOE Seeking 60% Increase in Federal CCS Investment for FY2022
The U.S. Department of Energy is concentrating investments in demonstration projects that show the cost of capturing CO2 at natural gas power facilities like the Chehalis plant seen here to help inform policy.
The U.S. Department of Energy is concentrating investments in demonstration projects that show the cost of capturing CO2 at natural gas power facilities like the Chehalis plant seen here to help inform policy. | Steven Baltakatei Sandoval, CC BY-SA-4.0, via Wikimedia
There are 135 CCS facilities in the global pipeline, but the sector has a lot of room to grow, says Jarad Daniels of the Global CCS Institute.
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