September 2, 2024

September 2024

Garth Weals, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
CAISO IDs More Challenges in Refining Interconnection Process

CAISO dove into Track 3 of its Interconnection Process Enhancements initiative as staff and stakeholders grappled with how to solve problems related to allocating transmission plan deliverability.

BOEM Sets Oct. 15 Oregon Wind Lease Auction
The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management said the two lease areas being offered hold a potential capacity of more than 3.1 GW of energy generation if fully developed.
Western Power Pool
WRAP Members Vote to Delay ‘Binding’ Phase to Summer 2027
The Western Resource Adequacy Program’s key stakeholder body approved a plan that would postpone the start of its penalty phase by one year, to summer 2027.
Changing System Drives MISO to Scrutinize Guiding Market Principles
MISO is conducting a check-in with stakeholders to gauge whether its market design guiding principles are still valid in a changing industry.

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