March 26, 2025

January 2024

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FERC Approves 1st PJM Proposal out of CIFP
FERC approved PJM's proposal to rework several areas of its capacity market centered around aligning how resources’ capacity contributions match up to system risk analysis.
U.S. House of Representatives
China Preparing to ‘Wreak Havoc’ on US, Cyber Officials Warn
Multiple cybersecurity officials warned lawmakers that China is likely to attempt attacks against U.S. critical infrastructure in a conflict over Taiwan.
The Supreme Court of Texas
Texas Supremes Hear Arguments Over Uri’s Prices
The Texas Supreme Court heard oral arguments over whether the Public Utility Commission had the authority to order electric prices be set at $9,000/MWh during the 2021 winter storm.
NYISO Asks FERC for an Extension to Comply with Order 881
NYISO requested a three-year extension to comply with FERC Order 881, saying it needs more time to implement software and hardware updates needed to support ambient-adjusted ratings on transmission lines.
FERC Releases Latest Version of ISO/RTO Metrics Report
FERC released the latest iteration of its Common Metrics Report on ISO/RTO markets, which evaluates their performance and benefits.
FERC to Return $13.6M to BP from 2008 Enforcement Case
FERC approved the return of $13.6 million in penalties it had collected from BP over a case of alleged manipulation of Houston Ship Channel natural gas prices after Hurricane Ike in 2008.
Group Looks to Create ‘Actionable’ West-wide Transmission Plan
Backers of the recently formed Western Transmission Expansion Coalition want to fill a void in the Western Interconnection by producing an “actionable” interregional transmission study.
Parties Split on Biden Administration Deal on Snake River Dams
House Republicans lambasted a deal that the Biden administration struck between Oregon, Washington and four tribes on four dams along the Snake River.
Stefan Andrej Shambora, CC-BY-2.0, via Wikimedia
FERC Approves New Relay Standard
FERC accepted the retirement of a requirement that industry found confusing in previous versions of the standard.
State of Massachusetts
FERC Approves ISO-NE’s Day-Ahead Ancillary Services Initiative
FERC approved ISO-NE’s proposal to create a day-ahead ancillary services market and retire the current Forward Reserve Market, effective March 1, 2025.

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