March 26, 2025

May 2023

Library of Congress
W.Va. Coal-fired Plant May Experiment with Hydrogen to Avoid Demo
The continued operation of the 1,300-MW Pleasant Power Station may depend upon whether the boilers can be modified to burn a portion of hydrogen.
Wash. Looks to Sell 11M Allowances in 2nd Cap-and-Trade Auction
Washington is aiming to auction off enough cap-and-trade credits to cover more than 11 million metric tons of carbon emissions.
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California Bill to Speed Transmission Development Passes State Senate
The bill to accelerate development of new transmission lines passed the state Senate on a vote of 36-0 and is now headed for the lower house.
FERC Accepts MISO’s Pledge for Annual Capacity Ratio Calculation
FERC on Tuesday accepted a MISO tariff filing, promising to annually update an unforced capacity-to-intermediate seasonal accredited capacity ratio.
Personnel, Meeting Costs Drive 2024 ERO Budget Hikes
EROs are increasing their budgets for 2024, with the increases largely funding personnel and meetings. Draft budgets are available for stakeholder comment.
NRG Energy
Carbon-capture Plant Coming Back into Service
The Petra Nova carbon-capture facility’s owner has told ERCOT that it plans to bring the plant out of mothballs and into year-round service in June.
Office of Nuclear Energy
NextEra Gets Final OK for Kansas-Missouri Tx Line
Kansas regulators have granted a siting permit for NextEra Energy Transmission's Wolf Creek-Blackberry project, clearing the way for construction to begin.
PJM Urges FERC to Deny Winter Storm Complaints
PJM says if FERC heeds Capacity Performance charge complaints stemming from storm power outages, it will undermine key aspects of reliability.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy
Debt Ceiling Bill Provides ‘Mini-deal’ on Permitting
A debt ceiling compromise reached by President Biden and House Speaker McCarthy would cut NEPA review times but would not roll back IRA climate provisions.
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Overheard at NECPUC 75th Annual Symposium
Transmission planning, energy siting and maximizing federal funding highlighted discussions at NECPUC's 75th annual symposium last week.

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