March 26, 2025

December 2021

NRC Preparing to Cite Davis-Besse Nuclear Plant on Safety Issue
NRC is preparing to cite Energy Harbor, the owner of the Davis-Bessie nuclear power plant in Ohio, for failing to maintain its emergency diesel generators.
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Study Provides Oregon Lawmakers Wide Shot on RTO Membership
An RTO could provide Oregon with economic, planning and operational benefits, but it would not serve as a “universal problem-solver,” a new study says.
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Consumer Advocates Request Rehearing on PJM Rate-base Network Upgrades
A group of consumer advocates requested rehearing of FERC’s decision to open a paper hearing on PJM TOs’ proposal to add network upgrades to their rate base.
Colorado Regulators OK Revised Emissions Standards for Oil and Gas
Colorado adopted emissions-reduction standards for the oil-and-gas industry based on the amount a company produces.
NY Officials Approve Draft Climate Action Plan
New York officials on Monday approved a draft scoping plan that lays out the steps needed to achieve the emission limits set by the CLCPA.
Rob-Summers, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
National Grid Wins Approval for $15.6M Geothermal Demo
Regulators said National Grid’s geothermal demo project could help the state understand the role of gas distribution companies in achieving its climate goals.
New York Issues 10 GW Solar Roadmap for 2030
New York officials on Friday announced the release of a roadmap outlining expanded programs to achieve 10 GW of distributed solar in the state by 2030.
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PJM PC/RMC Briefs: Dec. 14, 2021
Members praised work done by PJM in the stakeholder process in the development of new rules for the interconnection process.
WECC Warns West Heading for Resource Shortfalls by 2025
WECC's annual resource adequacy assessment warned that customers throughout the Western Interconnection will be at risk of load loss by 2025.
NJ Adopts EV Truck Sales Mandate
New Jersey has become the third state to adopt rules based on California’s ACT regulations requiring truck manufacturers to meet increasing EV sales targets.

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