March 26, 2025

April 2020

ERCOT Seeking Funds Lost in Cyberattack
ERCOT is working with officials to investigate a cybersecurity incident that resulted in the ISO sending a wire transfers to a fraudulent bank account.
NWPP Details Proposed Reliability Program
The Northwest Power Pool held a webinar on efforts to create a resource adequacy program, discussing FERC oversight and a need to manage the program.
COVID-19, Electrification Stir MISO Futures Debate
MISO presented stakeholders a long-awaited set of planning futures it insists are final despite calls for an additional scenario that models a downturn stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic.
PJM CEO Introduces Himself
PJM CEO Manu Asthana spoke about his personal background, career and leadership philosophy during a Raab Associates webinar.
DTE to Cut Spending in Response to Pandemic
DTE Energy will cut $60 million in operations and maintenance expenses to counteract sagging energy sales caused by social distancing measures in Michigan.
MISO Preps for Balmy Summer with Pandemic Effects
Warmer-than-usual weather this summer means MISO will likely have to declare an emergency, even without heavy loads or a high volume of generation outages.
FERC: New Goldman Unit an Affiliate
FERC granted Goldman Sachs Renewable Power Marketing authority to make market-based sales but said it would consider it an affiliate of The Goldman Sachs Group investment bank despite its objections.
Renewable Investors See Light at End of COVID Tunnel
Investors in renewable resources expressed confidence they were poised for a rebound when the economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic-induced downturn.
FERC Denies Rehearing on Affected System Order
FERC denied rehearing of a 2019 order that directed MISO, PJM and SPP to shine more light on how they perform their affected-system studies.
FERC Rejects 4 SPP GIA Requests
FERC rejected generator interconnection agreements with four wind farms filed by SPP, finding that the RTO had not shown them to be just and reasonable.

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