March 18, 2025

January 2020

SPP Elevates Ellis, Lucas to Senior Leadership
SPP continues to add fresh blood to its leadership ranks, announcing that two new officers will join its senior leadership team from within the RTO’s ranks.
MISO SATOA Proposal Faces Opposition
MISO’s first storage-as-transmission proposal has drawn protests saying the plan gives transmission owners an unfair advantage in developing the resources.
MISO Floats New Option for Midwest-South Constraint
MISO will consider another solution to mitigate its Midwest-South transmission constraint before the original settlement agreement with SPP closes.
Cold Weather SDT Planning February Posting
The team working on NERC’s proposed cold-weather preparedness standard is revising its SAR in response to industry comments.
BPA, Idaho Power Hit with NERC Violations
FERC accepted NERC Notices of Penalty against the Bonneville Power Administration, Idaho Power and the Niles Light Department.
RTOs, TOs Defend Competition Exemptions
Transmission owners defended PJM’s, ISO-NE’s and SPP’s immediate-need reliability projects while states said they are frustrating FERC Order 1000’s intent.
US Renewable Investment Hits Record $55.5B
U.S. renewable investments jumped 28% to $55.5 billion in 2019, showing clean energy is thriving despite the government’s failure to enact climate policies.
SPP Regional State Committee Briefs: Jan. 27, 2020
The SPP Cost Allocation Working Group told the Regional State Committee that they plan to establish a narrow byway facility cost allocation review process.
A Year Later, PG&E Close to End of Bankruptcy
Lawyers representing shareholders, fire victims and the government are still wrangling to secure a share of the multibillion-dollar pot PG&E will pay out.
FERC Upholds Orders on PJM Tx Withdrawal Rights
FERC declined to rehear its order directing PJM to allow two merchant transmission operators to convert some transmission withdrawal rights to non-firm.

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