March 18, 2025

September 2019

Overheard at NECA 2019 Fuels Conference
Natural gas will be crucial to the national economy and the New England electric power system for years, industry experts said at the NECA Fuels Conference.
Stakeholder Soapbox: The Risky Case for Gas-fired Plants
The Rocky Mountain Institute responds to columnist Steve Huntoon's critique of the institute's report on clean energy portfolios and gas-fired power plants.
PUCO Delays Ruling on AEP Solar Projects
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio delayed ruling on the need for two solar projects proposed by AEP after the company asked for a “brief hold.”
CPUC Adds RAMP Costs to Rate Case for 1st Time
The California PUC authorized costs for a new safety program as part of San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas' general rate case.
Key Details Change in MISO MEP Cost Allocation Plan
MISO is circulating a cost allocation plan that would lower voltage thresholds but raise cost minimums on economically beneficial transmission projects.
Counterflow: New York’s Surreal New Deal
Columnist Steve Huntoon criticizes New York's Green New Deal as imposing billions of dollars in costs on customers to pay for centrally planned projects.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Sept. 26, 2019
PJM's MRC heard about the ongoing search for a new CEO and debated dueling proposals from the RTO and Enel X to update load management testing requirements.
ISO-NE IDs $8.7M Tx Fix for Boston Area
ISO-NE identified a 160-MVAR reactor at National Grid’s Golden Hills 345-kV substation as a key part of its solution to Boston’s 2028 needs.
Overheard at the 163rd NE Electricity Roundtable
New chief utility regulators shared their visions of grid modernization and resource adequacy at 163rd New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
Texas PUC Briefs: Sept. 26, 2019
Texas regulators formally approved one of two transmission projects necessary to integrate much of the city of Lubbock’s load into ERCOT.

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