March 18, 2025

May 2019

CAISO Defers Day-ahead, SATA Initiatives
CAISO is postponing stakeholder initiatives on day-ahead market enhancements and storage-as-transmission assets, while adding four new initiatives.
MTEP 19 Revealing High Price Tag
MISO is polishing a draft 2019 Transmission Expansion Plan (MTEP) that could end up being one of the RTO’s most expensive buildout packages.
California Regulators OK Utility Wildfire Plans
The California PUC unanimously approved wildfire mitigation plans filed by the state’s large investor-owned utilities in response to last year’s SB 901.
Out of the Game, Skelly Still High on Wind Energy
Clean Line Energy Partners has sold off its projects, but former CEO Michael Skelly is optimistic someone will bring the midcontinent's wind energy east.
NERC Seeking New CFO, Counsel in Apparent Shakeup
NERC is looking for a new CFO and general counsel, allowing CEO Jim Robb to reshape the organization’s senior management as he enters his second year.
New RCs Tell WECC Transition on Schedule
The key players in the Western reliability coordinator transition told WECC they’re on track to take over on a staggered timeline from July to December.
PJM CEO Andy Ott to Retire
Andy Ott said Monday he will step down as PJM’s president and CEO next month, marking the second top executive to exit the organization this year.
UPDATED: Mixed Reaction for ‘Resilience Incentives’
FERC Chairman Neil Chatterjee’s suggestion that incentives may be needed to encourage investments in infrastructure security received a mixed reaction.
MISO Sectors OK Expanding Nominating Committee
Representatives contend that MISO should increase stakeholder representation on the committee that selects candidates for its Board of Directors.
UPDATED: Ohio Plan Subs Nuke, Fossil Fuel for Renewables
A plan pending before the Ohio Legislature could divert ratepayer funds away from renewable resources to subsidize nuclear and fossil fuel plants.

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