March 26, 2025

July 2018

Enviros, Industrials Challenge DOE Study on LNG Exports
Environmentalists and industrial consumers challenged a DOE-funded study that concludes U.S. economic growth would be boosted by unlimited LNG exports.
Overheard at Infocast’s SPP and MISO Markets Summit
Infocast’s first SPP and MISO Markets Summit attracted participants and industry representatives from the RTOs’ footprints for panel discussions.
Entergy Penalized for Late Reporting on Gas Shortfall
FERC approved a civil penalty against Entergy for failing to inform ISO-NE of the inability of its gas-fired generator to meet capacity obligations.
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PJM Stakeholders End Tx Replacement Task Force
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to sunset the Transmission Replacement Process Senior Task Force (TRPSTF).
NextEra to Close Duane Arnold Nuclear Plant
NextEra Energy Resources announced that it will close the Duane Arnold Energy Center, Iowa’s only nuclear power plant, five years earlier than expected.
FERC Clarifies New York TOs’ Cost Recovery
New York transmission owners will be eligible for full cost recovery when regulated backstop solution reliability projects are canceled, FERC said.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: July 26, 2018
PJM stakeholders at the MRC and MC unanimously endorsed proposed revisions for seasonal aggregation.
PJM Ponders Advancing VOM Effort over Objections
PJM’s effort to include variable operations and maintenance costs in energy market cost-based offers appears to be on its way to FERC.
DC Circuit Denies Rehearing on Algonquin Pipeline
A D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals panel declined to review FERC’s approval of plans to expand capacity on the Algonquin Natural Gas pipeline.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: July 26, 2018
ERCOT stakeholders and staff discussed alternatives to market price investigation announcements, following a market notice during the recent heatwave.

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