March 24, 2025

June 2018

Potomac Economics
NYISO MC Supports AC Transmission Projects
NYISO stakeholders again backed joint proposals by North America Transmission (NAT) and NYPA to build two 345-kV transmission projects.
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Commenters Divided on DER Aggregation, State, LDC Roles
Solar power and energy storage providers differed with LDCs and state officials in comments filed at FERC on Disributed Energy Resource aggregation.
SPP RE Ending Compliance Monitoring, Enforcement Activities
The SPP Regional Entity will cease all compliance monitoring and enforcement activities at the close of business Friday.
Powelson Leaving FERC to Head Water Lobby
FERC Commissioner Robert Powelson will leave the commission after only a year in the post to lead a lobby representing the nation’s private water companies.
Groups Sue ICC over NextGrid Study Process
Two groups are accusing the head of the Illinois Commerce Commission of keeping the public in the dark on the commission’s NextGrid study.
SPP RE Ending Compliance Monitoring, Enforcement Activities
The SPP Regional Entity will cease all compliance monitoring and enforcement activities at the close of business Friday.
DOE Renewable Nominee Sidesteps Controversy
President Trump’s nominee to head the Department of Energy’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy program evaded controversy in his confirmation hearing.
7 New Recommendations from MISO IMM
MISO’s markets performed competitively but should implement several changes to improve market functions, the 2017 State of the Market report concluded.
California State Senate
CAISO Regionalization Bill Edges Toward Senate Vote
The CAISO regionalization bill that would transform CAISO into an RTO passed another key California State Senate committee.
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SPP: No Need for Joint Study with AECI in 2018
SPP staff told stakeholders that the RTO will not conduct a joint transmission planning study with Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. this year.

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