March 26, 2025

May 2018

NYISO Ready to Meet Summer Demand
NYISO said Wednesday it is prepared to meet peak demand this summer, with a total of 42,169 MW of power resources available to cover an expected peak of 32,904 MW — 2.9% above the long-term average.
Potomac Economics
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: May 30, 2018
NYISO stakeholders are being asked to weigh in on how effectively the external Market Monitoring Unit is performing its duties before the ISO considers whether to renew its contract.
NERC: ERCOT, CAISO Face Summer Reliability Concerns
NERC said Wednesday that its annual summer reliability assessment indicates ERCOT and CAISO will face operational challenges and potential reliability concerns this summer, thanks to the two ISOs’ respective loss of baseload generation and lack of fuel assurance.
BHI Energy
PJM Urges FERC to Act on ‘Jump Ball’ Despite Criticism
PJM is pressing FERC to make a decision on the RTO’s “jump ball” capacity filing, arguing that the commission is within its authority to do so and pointing out what it considers to be hypocrisy in opponents’ criticism of the filing.
CalFire Says PG&E Caused 4 Wildfires Last Year
Trees contacting Pacific Gas and Electric distribution lines caused four Northern California wildfires last year that burned about 9,400 acres, state investigators said.
FERC Rejects MISO Network Resource Process Streamlining
FERC on Tuesday rejected a MISO proposal to streamline the RTO’s process to define and qualify its network resources, saying the changes would cause Tariff discrepancies.
NERC: ERCOT, CAISO Face Summer Reliability Concerns
NERC said Wednesday that its annual summer reliability assessment indicates ERCOT and CAISO will face operational challenges and potential reliability concerns this summer, thanks to the two ISOs’ respective loss of baseload generation and lack of fuel assurance.
Brookfield Granted NYISO ICAP Waiver
FERC granted Brookfield Energy Marketing a one-time NYISO Tariff waiver allowing the company to avoid paying a penalty for a clerical error.
California to Require Sharp EV Charger Growth by 2025
California will need between 229,000 and 279,000 electric vehicle chargers at locations other than single-family homes by 2025, the California Energy Commission said.
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Texas PUC Issues Final Order for SPS Wind Farm
The Texas PUC quickly approved a second draft order of Southwestern Public Service’s (SPS) request for a certificate of convenience and necessary for its 478-MW wind farm.

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