March 18, 2025

February 2018

Sempra Energy
Sempra Joins ‘Three-Pronged’ Wildfire Front
Sempra Energy became the third California-based energy company to promise a “three-pronged” cost recovery effort related to wildfires.
APPA Celebrates Recent Victories; Presses on Infrastructure
APPA CEO Sue Kelly has been railing for years against RTO rules she says are skewed in favor of large transmission and generation owners. As members gathered for their annual Legislative Rally, the group could celebrate recent policy victories on both fronts.
Wildfire Costs Ignite Worry at CPUC, Legislature
California regulators and lawmakers are sounding the alarm over a possible decline in the financial and credit health of utilities stemming from wildfire risk and liability.
UK Dept. for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
NY Task Force Takes on Carbon Pricing Mechanics
How should New York set carbon prices - and who should be tasked with doing it? Those are questions the state's Integrating Public Policy Task Force have begun to tackle in its effort to integrate carbon pricing into NYISO's market.
FERC Grants SPP Waiver to Resettle Z2 Credits
FERC granted the request by SPP to waive its one-year resettlement window so that the RTO can correctly bill transmission-upgrade customers.
OGE, CenterPoint, Entergy Results Up on Tax Cuts
The cut in federal corporate income taxes figured prominently in fourth quarter earnings reports by OGE Energy, CenterPoint Energy and Entergy.
Bankruptcy Court OKs Sempra-Oncor Deal
Sempra Energy announced that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware has confirmed a reorganization plan for Energy Future Holdings.
FERC Rethinking PJM Capacity Performance Rules
FERC ordered a technical conference to consider whether PJM should move from a year-round to a seasonal capacity market construct.
FERC Endorses Previously OK’d PJM Aggregation Rules
FERC has given an unconditional thumbs-up to resource-aggregation rules for PJM that staff conditionally approved last year when the commission lacked a quorum.
Calif. Lawmakers Relaunch CAISO Regionalization
A key California lawmaker is seeking comment this week on a revived effort to regionalize CAISO and create a multistate Western RTO.

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