March 18, 2025

December 2017

Clean Line Energy Partners
Clean Line Sells Okla. Portion of Plains Eastern to NextEra
Clean Line Energy Partners sold all of the Oklahoma portion of the Plains & Eastern transmission project to NextEra Energy.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Dec. 20, 2017
New England utilities updated the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee on their plans to repair and upgrade their transmission facilities.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs: Dec. 21, 2017
PJM’s initiative to internalize all generator payments moved forward at the MRC when stakeholders endorsed the RTO’s proposal to examine price formation.
MISO Wins OK for Dynamic Narrowly Constrained Areas
MISO won FERC permission to expand its mitigation measures on narrowly constrained areas to address intense but temporary congestion.
MOPR-Ex Faces Uphill Battle as PJM Declines Recommendation
PJM’s long-awaited capacity construct redesign will have to wait at least another month for endorsement by the Markets and Reliability Committee.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Your Audit Report may be Worthless
A good audit report isn't enough to protect utilities from federal penalties after a reliability event, argues former NERC official Terry Brinker.
MGN Photo
FERC OKs Changes to SPP’s Tx Planning Process
FERC accepted Tariff revisions to streamline SPP’s Integrated Transmission Planning (ITP) process, despite opposition from wind developers.
FERC to Review Gas Pipeline Approval Process
FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre announced that the commission would re-examine its 1999 policy statement on certifying natural gas pipelines.
‘Load Bias,’ Prices Rise in CAISO Q3
CAISO’s Department of Market Monitoring discussed the ISO’s third-quarter market results with participants.
Georgia Power
Georgia PSC Votes to Complete Vogtle Units
Georgia regulators voted to allow Georgia Power and its partners to complete the two nuclear reactors under construction at the Vogtle plant.

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