March 18, 2025

November 2017

Glick on Board, FERC Awaits McIntyre
Richard Glick was sworn in at FERC, giving the commission four members as it awaits the arrival of its new chairman, Republican Kevin McIntyre.
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
Thumbs Up/Down for CAISO Gas Constraint Measures
FERC approved CAISO’s request to extend temporary market measures instituted last year in response to the closure of Aliso Canyon.
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Market Monitors Bring FTR Complaints to Congress
The Market Monitors for CAISO and PJM told a House subcommittee that their respective financial transmission rights markets are significantly flawed.
Kansas Corporation Commission
Court Rejects Challenge to SPP-Integrated System Merger
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals denied Kansas regulators’ challenge to a 2014 FERC order approving SPP’s merger with the Integrated System.
FERC Grants NYISO RMR Compliance Extension
FERC approved NYISO’s request for a 30-day extension for submitting additional reliability-must-run (RMR) tariff revisions.
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association
FERC Orders Hearing in SWEPCO Rate Dispute
FERC ordered settlement judge procedures for a dispute involving Southwestern Electric Power Co.’s transmission rates.
Dynegy Auction Proposal Fails to Gain Ill. Lawmaker Support
Dynegy’s most recent bid to develop a specialized capacity market for downstate Illinois has failed to gain traction in the state’s legislature.
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SPP Invoices Lead to Confusion on Z2 Payments
A mismatch between posted Z2 reports and invoices sent this month forced the RTO to email members to “dispel any confusion that may have resulted.”
NY DPS Webcast
NY Fine-tuning CES; Phasing out EE Program
New York is fine-tuning its Clean Energy Standard (CES) and closing the books on the energy efficiency programs used since 2008.
FERC OKs Bergen-Linden Cost Allocation; Challenge Possible
FERC approved the cost allocation for projects involved with northern New Jersey’s Bergen-Linden Corridor.

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