March 18, 2025

September 2017

MISO Study to Examine Incremental Impact of Renewables
MISO’s proposed multiyear evaluation on the future impact of integrating renewable energy will consist of 10 separate studies.
Entergy Abandons Palisades PPA Termination
Entergy said it will continue to operate the Palisades nuclear plant until early 2022 under the terms of its original agreement with Consumers Energy.
PacifiCorp Seeks 1,270 MW of New Wind
PacifiCorp is seeking bids for up to 1,270 MW of wind power to integrate into its system by the end of 2020.
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Money and Cooperation Drive New York REV
“Everything has to change,” New York State Chairman of Energy and Finance Richard L. Kauffman said at Greentech Media’s New York REV Future 2017 conference.
Perry Orders FERC Rescue of Nukes, Coal
Energy Secretary Rick Perry on Friday ordered FERC to rescue at-risk nuclear and coal generation by ensuring they receive “full recovery” of their costs.
CAISO Requests FERC Rehear PGE Rate Decision
CAISO and Pacific Gas and Electric have asked FERC to reconsider its decision last month to approve only some of the utility’s requested transmission rate incentives.
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New Texas PUC Chair DeAnn Walker Takes the Gavel
DeAnn Walker will chair her first open meeting of the Public Utility Commission of Texas on Thursday after her recent appointment.
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Overheard at Infocast’s Texas Renewable Energy Summit
Infocast Texas Renewable Energy Summit attendees heard discussions on the challenges ERCOT faces in building transmission and ensuring grid reliability.
MISO in Harmony with IMM State of the Market Report
MISO “generally” agrees with all nine market improvement recommendations raised by its Independent Market Monitor in its 2016 State of the Market report.
Stakeholder Soapbox: REVing up our Wholesale Power Markets
Glen Thomas, president of PJM Power Providers Group, argues that a re-examination of RTOs' wholesale energy markets is long overdue.

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