March 26, 2025

May 2017

Powerex Slated to Become First Non-US EIM Member
Powerex has signed an agreement with CAISO to become the first non-U.S. participant in the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
Seeking Subsidy, Exelon Threatens to Close Three Mile Island
Exelon announced that it will retire Three Mile Island Unit 1 in September 2019 “absent needed policy reforms.”
MISO Steering Committee OKs IMM Proposals for Market Roadmap
MISO’s Steering Committee recommended that all but one of a handful of the Monitor’s oft-repeated recommendations be included on the 2018 Market Roadmap.
ISO-NE to Offer Clustered Interconnection Requests in Maine
ISO-NE is working to adopt clustering methodology to speed the development of new capacity, particularly to help free wind power trapped in Maine.
CPP’s Fate Leaves States, Markets to Drive Grid Decarbonization
Policies, market forces and technology will continue the decarbonization of the electric industry regardless of the fate of EPA’s Clean Power Plan.
PURPA Critics Call for Reforms
PURPA is outdated and in need of reforms to reflect the current markets, critics said during the annual Western Conference of Public Service Commissioners.
ISO-NE: Lack of Fuel Could Idle Half of Gas Plants in Winter
New England will have only enough natural gas capacity to supply about half of its gas-fired generation in winters 2025 and 2030, according to NEPOOL.
PJM Kicks off Transmission Cost Cap Initiative
PJM’s Planning Committee held its first special session on cost caps and other cost-containment provisions for competitive transmission bids.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs
PJM announced at last week’s Markets and Reliability Committee meeting that a scheduled vote on new pseudo-tie provisions would be postponed.
SPP Looking Forward Report: The Shale Revolution Continues
In producing its looking-forward report for SPP, Bates White Economic Consulting says low natural gas prices will continue if technology further improves.

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