March 25, 2025

March 2017

CAISO to Create New TAC Area for Water District
CAISO is seeking to create a new transmission access charge area for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.
Texas PUC Puts Brakes on NextEra’s Oncor Acquisition
The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) agreed that proposed NextEra $18.7 billion acquisition of Oncor is not “at this point” in the public interest.
PJM Stakeholders Explore Price Formation, Seek Transparency
PJM should explain its daily operating decisions in more detail so market participants can better understand price formation and how markets are formed.
PJM: Increased Gas Won’t Hurt Reliability, Too Much Solar Will
PJM can maintain adequate reliability with a generation fleet almost entirely composed of natural gas units, according to a study the RTO released.
Kentucky Overturns Nuclear Moratorium: Now What?
Kentucky has dropped its nuclear moratorium, but experts on both sides of the nuclear debate say the move probably won’t result in new reactors for now.
New Campaign Urges Renewed Effort to Expand CAISO
A coalition of environmental, renewable energy and business groups called on California officials to reignite CAISO’s effort to expand its operations.
Mountain West, SPP Tout RTO Membership to Colo. PUC
SPP and the Mountain West Transmission Group pitched the benefits of RTO membership in an open forum before Colorado’s Public Utilities Commission.
CAISO, BPA Ink Agreement to Ease Northwest EIM Transfers
CAISO has signed a transmission agreement with the Bonneville Power Administration designed to facilitate Energy Imbalance Market transfers.
MISO to Amend Alternative Dispute Resolution Process
MISO will soon make a filing to add more confidentiality and legal definitions to its alternative dispute resolution process.
PJM Capacity Task Force Considering 60+ ‘Design Concepts’
The PJM Capacity Construct/Public Policy Senior Task Force held its second meeting discuss design-concept ideas for revising the RTO’s capacity market.

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