March 26, 2025

January 2017

ERCOT RUC Activity Jumps Sharply in 2016
ERCOT reliability unit commitment activity increased more than three-fold in 2016, staff said at the Technical Advisory Committee meeting last week.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee approved several revision requests related to collateral requirements, the ISO's admin fee and shadow pricing.
MISO Behind-the-Meter Generation Definitions Create Confusion
Stakeholders say the MISO effort to simplify treatment of behind-the-meter generation has created more questions than it has answered.
FERC OKs NYISO Capacity Revision; Rejects Transition Plan
FERC approved NYISO's proposed locality exchange factor for its capacity market. NYISO's plan protects consumers from rising capacity prices.
Backlog, Delays Feared as FERC Loses Quorum
Despite the impending resignation of Norman Bay, Cheryl Lafleur assured that FERC can issue routine decisions under authority delegated to office directors.
MISO Steering Committee Advances 3 Issues
The MISO Steering Committee allocated the RTO’s settlement with SPP, a potential cost recovery defect and cost-sharing for customer-funded upgrades.
FERC Denies Multiple Energy Crisis Rehearing Requests
The FERC decision dealt with companies implicated in manipulating prices during the initial "Summer Period" of the Western Energy Crisis.
PJM Markets and Reliability and Members Committees Briefs
PJM stakeholders agreed to update pseudo-tie rules, move quickly on efforts to reduce uplift and create a new Security & Resiliency Committee.
MISO Informational Forum Briefs
MISO officials and stakeholders discussed December's record output for wind power, IT improvements and transmission cost allocation.
NextEra Misses Expectations, but Boosts Profits
NextEra boosted its adjusted earnings by 5% in the fourth quarter and 11% for all of 2016, despite falling short of investor expectations on both measures.

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