March 26, 2025

December 2016

UPDATE: Dynegy Files Mitigation Plan for Purchase of ENGIE Plants
Dynegy says it will sell generation if necessary to address FERC's market power concerns over the company’s acquisition of ENGIE's power generation unit.
FERC Orders Hearing in Maine Dispute over Capacity Rules
FERC ordered hearing and settlement procedures in a dispute over transmission capacity obligations in an area of Northern Maine separate from ISO-NE.
FERC Wants More Detail on PJM’s Seasonal Capacity Plan
FERC has issued a deficiency notice requesting more information from PJM on its proposal to incorporate more seasonal resources under Capacity Performance.
PJM Credit Adder Fails upon Heightened Review
A proposed revision to credit requirements for financial transmission rights participants received significant stakeholder debate before the PJM MRC.
PJM Markets and Reliability Committee Briefs
A summary of measures approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee on Dec 22.
NYISO Members OK End to Con Ed-PSEG Wheel
The NYISO Management Committee approved an agreement with PJM to end the 1,000-MW Con Ed-PSEG wheel next year while maintaining an operational base flow of 400 MW.
CAISO Seeks Primary Frequency Response Market
CAISO has kicked off an initiative to explore how it can procure resources equipped to automatically respond to disturbances in grid frequency.
FERC Approves PJM Rate Increase
Rejecting criticism over employee salaries and a lack of detail on other spending, FERC approved the rate increase that PJM requested.
PJM Considering Expansion of Spot-in Tx Solution to All Borders
PJM held a special session of the MIC on Wednesday, where stakeholders debated implementing unlimited service along the NYISO-PJM seam.
NYPSC Rejects Challenge to Clean Energy Standard, Nuke Subsidy
The NY Public Service Commission (NYPSC) turned aside numerous challenges to its adoption of a Clean Energy Standard and its nuclear subsidy.

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