March 26, 2025

September 2016

FERC Cuts MISO Transmission Owners’ ROE to 10.32%
FERC ordered a pay cut for MISO transmission owners, reducing their ROE to 10.32% from 12.38%.
MISO, IPPs Ask FERC to Reject Bid to Redo Capacity Auction
MISO and IPPs asked FERC to dismiss a complaint by transmission customers seeking to overturn the results of the 2016/17 capacity auction.
NextEra, EFH Seek to Reassure Texas PUC on Merger Deal
NextEra Energy (NYSE:NEE) sought to assure the PUCT that they won’t be constrained in their review of the company’s agreement to purchase Oncor.
APS Ordered Again to Revise EIM Dynamic Scheduling Rules
FERC rejected for a second time proposed rules by Arizona Public Service on external resources can use dynamic scheduling to participate in the EIM.
California Department of Emergency Services
UPDATED: CAISO Seeks to Extend Aliso Canyon Gas Rules Through Winter
CAISO's board has approved a proposal to extend Tariff provisions implemented in June in response to the closure of the Aliso Canyon storage facility.
Analysis: No Knock Out Blow for Clean Power Plan Foes in Court Arguments
Hopes for overturning EPA's Clean Power Plan (CPP) appear to hinge on whether the agency overstepped its authority in relying on "generation shifting."
Clark Bids Farewell to FERC at Open Meeting
After four years, Commissioner Tony Clark’s last day at FERC will be Sept. 30, he said at his last, and 47th, open meeting.
FERC Considers Changes to Market Power Analyses
FERC said it is considering changing how it evaluates market power in electric utility mergers and applications for market-based rate authority.
Overheard at the NYISO Distributed Energy Resource Workshop
Here's some of what we heard from New York stakeholders at the NYISO Distributed Energy Resource Workshop last week.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on Duke Energy, AEP Texas, NextEra Energy, Alliant Energy, Xcel Energy and others.

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