March 26, 2025

August 2016

NIPSCO Considers Closing 4 Coal Units in 7 Years
NIPSCO officials said they are considering the future of some of their coal-powered units - closing the 2-unit Bailly Generating Station, and idling 2 of 4 units at the R.M. Schahfer Generating Station.
SPP Briefs
The SPP Market Monitoring Unit filed its 2015 State of the Market report with FERC, saying the Integrated Marketplace’s second year of operation showed “significant maturing.”
Proposal to Revisit PJM Capacity Model Receives Tepid Response
A stakeholder group calling for a comprehensive review of the PJM capacity market won support from consumer advocates and state regulators, but industrial consumers and generators were cool to the idea.
Bankruptcy Court Approves EFH Emergence from Chapter 11
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware has approved a reorganization plan that will take the Energy Future Holdings competitive businesses out of Chapter 11.
Hydro Owner Wants in on New York Nuke Subsidy
Ampersand Hydro said it was arbitrarily excluded from the New York Public Service Commission’s Clean Energy Standard and its nuclear subsidy.
State Briefs
This week's state briefs include news on California, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico and other states.
SoCal Gas Restrictions Unlikely to Impede Winter Grid Operations
Winter grid operations in Southern California are unlikely to be compromised by natural gas pipeline restrictions due to the shutdown of Aliso Canyon.
Federal Briefs
This week's FERC and federal briefs include news on the EPA, NRC, FAA, TVA, BLM and other organizations.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on DTE, Dominion Power Virginia, Westar, PSO, EFH and other companies.
CAISO Proposes Broadening LSE Definition
CAISO is proposing to amend its Tariff to expand the definition of a “load-serving entity” to include any organization granted authority to serve its own electricity needs.

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