March 18, 2025

June 2016

Eversource, Hydro-Quebec File PPA for Northern Pass
Hydro-Quebec and Eversource Energy filed a PPA with the NH PUC to deliver at least 100 MW during peak hours over the Northern Pass Transmission line.
CAISO Regulation Costs Quadruple as Prices, Procurement Jump
Regulation costs in CAISO have quadrupled since the ISO increased requirements to help balance variable output from renewable resources in February.
CAISO Board Appoints Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body
The CAISO Board of Governors appointed five members to the newly established governing body of the western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM).
MISO Board of Directors Briefs
MISO’s 2016 spending is in line with its budget for the year, Vice President of Finance Jo Biggers told the Board of Directors at the RTO’s Annual Meeting
Against All Odds: Ratepayer Wins $4.2M Refund from AEP
A former lawyer, Martha Peine, spent years disputing AEP (NYSE:AEP) rate filings at FERC all by herself and won a $4.2 million refund for ratepayers.
Monitor’s State of the Market Report Seeks Changes to MISO ELMP
The MISO Independent Market Monitor, David Patton, added eight new recommendations in his 2015 State of the Market Report.
Rejection of BLM Fracking Rule to Save Drillers Millions, Industry Says
A federal judge’s ruling striking down regulations on fracking on federal lands will save operators almost $100k/well, per an industry-sponsored analysis.
In Northeast, Fleet Turnover to Natural Gas is Unabated
The dash for gas shows no sign of abating, speakers said at the Energy Bar Association (EBA) Northeast Chapter’s 2016 Annual Meeting.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies and firms doing business with RTOs.
FERC Taking Second Look at Cost Allocation for 2 PJM Projects
FERC issued orders  granting rehearing  to allow it more than 30 days to reconsider complaints that PJM’s use of DFAX is inappropriate for two projects.

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