March 26, 2025

April 2016

PUCO’s Porter Submits Resignation
PUCO Chairman Andre Porter submitted his resignation to Gov. John Kasich on Friday morning, little more than a year after taking the position.
FERC Rescinds AEP, FirstEnergy Affiliate-Sales Waivers
FERC rescinded waivers it granted AEP and FirstEnergy, meaning their controversial PUCO PPAs will be subject to the commission’s affiliate abuse test.
SPP Awards First Order 1000 Project — But it May Not be Needed
SPP awarded its first competitively bid transmission project under Order 1000 -- but it may not be built because of declining load forecasts.
MISO Planning Advisory Committees Briefs
A summary of issues discussed by the MISO Planning Advisory Committee on April 20, 2016.
FERC Rules on MISO Revenue Sufficiency Guarantee
FERC cleared a backlog of disputes over MISO’s revenue sufficiency guarantee (RSG), issuing a quartet of orders in dockets dating back to 2009.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs
At last week's ERCOT Board of Directors meeting, its Independent Market Monitor talked about negative prices and their impact on the energy market.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on Consumers Energy, LG&E/KU, Exelon, RES, Con Ed, SunEdison, and others.
Utility-Solar Partnership Proposes Net Metering Overhaul
New York utilities and three solar companies proposed a business model that they said would replace net metering and address cost-shifting concerns.
FERC Open Meeting Briefs
FERC commissioners received briefings from staff about energy storage in RTOs and from the National Labs about grid modernization.
FERC Orders Further Changes to NYISO RMR Rules
FERC told NYISO that proposed changes to its rules for reliability-must-run generators were inconsistent with Order 1000 and improperly delegated authority.

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