March 26, 2025

March 2016

UPDATED: FERC Action Awaited Following PUCO OK on PPAs
The Public Utiities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) unanimously approved modified versions of two controversial power purchase agreements for AEP and FirstEnergy.
Maryland PSC Member Scrutinized over Contacts with Governor
A newly appointed member of the Maryland PSC insisted there was nothing improper about his emails with Gov. Larry Hogan’s administration.
MISO Markets Committee of the Board of Directors Briefs
With the spring season underway, the MISO Markets Committee of the Board of Directors reviewed this past winter and the upcoming summer.
MISO, Stakeholders: Reforms Needed, but ‘Seamless’ Seam an Illusion
MISO stakeholders say they do not expect perfect procedures at the seams with neighboring balancing areas, but they do want the RTO to implement reforms.
CAISO Seeks Rapid Response to SoCal Gas Restrictions
CAISO expedites stakeholder process to help gas-fired generators mitigate the financial impact of proposed restrictions stemming from Aliso Canyon closure.
IPL, MidAmerican: MISO Misallocating Upgrade Costs in GIA
Interstate Power joined MidAmerican Energy in protesting the GIA that MISO filed for the Marshalltown Generating Station in Iowa.
Texas Commission Approves Oncor REIT Structure
The Texas PUC's order would split Oncor into two companies, one of which would operate as a real estate investment trust.
Retailers Ask for Rehearing of NY Guaranteed Savings Order
NEMA and the ESCO Coalition asked the NY PSC to rehear an order that would overhaul retail customer choice in the state
ISO-NE Forecast for 2024 Boosts Solar 30%
ISO-NE CELT report study predicts that load growth will remain low in New England while solar is expected to grow faster than anticipated.
Generators to FERC: Expand MOPR for Subsidized FE, AEP Plants
Eleven generating companies have asked FERC to expand the PJM minimum offer price rule (MOPR) in time for May’s 2019/20 Base Residual Auction.

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