March 18, 2025

August 2015

PJM 2016/17 Transition Auction Clears at $134/MW-day
Capacity Performance resources cleared at $134/MW-day in the transition auction for the 2016/17 delivery year, PJM announced Monday.
FERC Sides with PJM on Capacity Performance Transition Auctions
FERC rejected complaints from NextEra Energy and Direct Energy seeking to change the way PJM conducts its incremental capacity auctions to transition to its new Capacity Performance product.
DC Halts Exelon’s Acquisition of Pepco Holdings; Pepco Stock Tumbles
The D.C. Public Service Commission unanimously denied Exelon's proposed $6.8 billion acquisition of Pepco Holdings Inc., sparking applause in the hearing room and sending the shares of both companies tumbling on Wall Street.
Southern Indiana Transmission Project Keeps Morphing
MISO revealed yet another twist in its deliberations over two southern Indiana transmission projects, leading some stakeholders to question whether RTO officials are following their planning rules.
MISO: EPA Carbon Rule Will Mean ‘Multibillion Dollar’ Transmission Build-Out
MISO planners who just completed the third phase of a study on the Clean Power Plan said last week that a “multibillion dollar” transmission build-out will be necessary in almost every compliance scenario they’ve anticipated.
Company Briefs
This week's company briefs include news on Dominion, Duke, Alliant, SunEdison, Bloom Energy, Sempra Energy and SolarWindow Technologies.
FERC Reaffirms Rejection of SPP Withholding Test
FERC denied the SPP Market Monitoring Unit’s request for rehearing of a December 2014 order that rejected the Monitor’s use of a market-impact test to track physical withholding.
2 of 3 MISO-SPP Seams Projects Likely Doomed
Two of three proposed MISO-SPP interregional projects touted to offer $235 million in benefits look much less attractive following additional modeling and are likely doomed.
Federal Briefs
This week's FERC and federal briefs include news on the Energy Department, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture and NOAA.
Interconnection Deposit Proposal Tabled
The MISO PAC deferred for a future meeting a vote on Wind on the Wires’ request to require external generators seeking network resource interconnection service to pay the dollars-per-megawatt portion of M2 milestone costs.

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