March 26, 2025

October 2014

Coalitions Make Their Cases to PJM Board
Fourteen coalitions representing more than 80 stakeholders submitted briefing papers to the PJM Board of Managers Tuesday on the RTO’s Capacity Performance proposal. Don’t have time to read all 150 pages? No worries. We’ve summarized the groups’ concerns here.
Federal Briefs
News briefs on the federal agencies that impact those doing business in PJM's footprint. This week, we highlight FERC, the NRC and the Energy Department.
PJM Grid 20/20 Panelists Debate Solar, New Rate Structures
In the face of rising residential usage of rooftop solar panels, new rate structures are needed, said attendees of PJM's Grid 20/20 conference last week.
Wisconsin Utilities Seek Rate Changes in Rooftop Solar Battle
Wisconsin utilities are joining those in sunnier climes in treating distributed solar as an existential threat.
NYPSC Upholds Dunkirk Repowering Ruling
The New York Public Service Commission Thursday reiterated its approval of NRG Energy’s request to convert the Dunkirk coal-fired generator to natural gas.
State Briefs
News briefs from the states within the PJM footprint. This week we include Delaware, D.C., Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio and Pennsylvania.
New York Utilities Increase Gas Hedges Ahead of Winter
Chastened by January’s price spikes, New York electric utilities are hedging 70% of their natural gas purchases this winter, up from 55% last year.
Company Briefs
News briefs on companies in the PJM Interconnection this week, including PSEG, Duke, FirstEnergy, AEP, Ameren, Constellation and General Motors.
FERC Removes 10% Adder from Generators’ Make-Whole Payments
FERC said PJM should not have included a 10% adder in its calculation of make-whole payments to generators whose costs exceeded the offer cap last winter.
Gates Bros., FERC Seeking Settlement?
The Gates brothers, accused of gaming up-to-congestion trades in PJM, abruptly ended their public relations campaign against FERC last week.

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