September 29, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

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SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs
SPP stakeholders narrowly rejected a Tariff change that would have established a 1-MW threshold for reporting behind-the-meter network load.
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Colo. Regulators Talk Governance with SPP, Mountain West
SPP and Mountain West Transmission Group representatives worked hard to allay concerns of Colorado regulators who fear they could lose some authority.
RTOs Reject NOPR; Say Fuel Risks Exaggerated
RTO officials and their Market Monitors unilaterally rejected Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s proposal to provide price supports to coal and nuclear plants.
FERC Again Rejects SPP Rules on ARRs, LTCRs
FERC again ordered SPP to rewrite its rules on auction revenue rights (ARRs) and long-term congestion rights (LTCRs).
SPP to Consider Tx Planning Policy for Energy-Only Resources
SPP staff agreed to bring stakeholders a strawman proposal addressing concerns over the RTO’s transmission planning policy for energy-only resources.
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New England, SoCal Gas Supplies Top FERC Winter Concerns
Gas supply for New England and Southern California is the top reliability concern for the coming winter, FERC officials said.
SPP Tx Owners Take Zonal Placement Concerns to FERC
KCP&L is fulfilling its promise to take legal action against SPP for how the RTO allocates costs to customers after a new transmission owner joins a zone.
SPP, Mountain West Integration Work Goes Public
SPP began the public portion of integrating the Mountain West Transmission Group with a pair of lively stakeholder meetings in Colorado and Arkansas.
FERC Rejects SPP’s Request to Remove Day-Ahead Must-Offer
FERC rejected SPP’s request to remove its day-ahead must-offer requirement, saying the RTO had not provided “sufficient support” for the Tariff revisions.
Unfazed by Obstacles, Clean Line’s Skelly Focuses on Future
Despite not having any of its projects constructed, Clean Line Energy Partners, and CEO Mike Skelly, remain optimistic.

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