September 29, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

© RTO Insider
SPP Board of Directors/Members Committee Briefs: Dec. 5, 2017
SPP’s Board of Directors and Members Committee approved a 1-cent increase in the RTO’s administrative fee and its 2018 budget.
SPP Briefs: Week Ending Dec. 11, 2017
SPP set several new records for wind generation, lending further credence to its claims that it can handle wind-penetration levels as high as 75%.
Report: Costly Coal Undermining SPP Market, Bilking Consumers
A Sierra Club report released said captive customers of Southwest Power Pool (SPP) utilities are paying for uneconomical coal plants that self-commit.
PJM Unit to Help Develop Western Markets
PJM and reliability coordinator Peak Reliability announced Thursday they will explore the development of electric markets and other services in the West.
Cherokee County Electric Cooperative Association
FERC Orders Hearing in SWEPCO Rate Dispute
FERC ordered settlement judge procedures for a dispute involving Southwestern Electric Power Co.’s transmission rates.
Kansas Corporation Commission
Court Rejects Challenge to SPP-Integrated System Merger
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals denied Kansas regulators’ challenge to a 2014 FERC order approving SPP’s merger with the Integrated System.
© RTO Insider
SPP Invoices Lead to Confusion on Z2 Payments
A mismatch between posted Z2 reports and invoices sent this month forced the RTO to email members to “dispel any confusion that may have resulted.”
FERC OKs SPP’s ‘Instantaneous Load Capacity’ Term
FERC accepted SPP Tariff revisions replacing the defined terms “head-room” and “floor-room” with “instantaneous load capacity.”
SPP to Modify Service Agreements with KMEA, Sunflower
FERC accepted network transmission service agreements between SPP and Kansas Municipal Energy Agency (KMEA) and Sunflower Electric Power.
Kansas Electric Power Cooperative
FERC Rejects SPP Change on Network Resource Upgrades
FERC issued rulings in three SPP transmission cases, mostly siding with the RTO but rejecting its proposed changes to classifying service upgrade costs.

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