September 29, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

LP&L Cites Competition as Reason for Migration to ERCOT
Lubbock Power & Light filed testimony with the Texas PUC (PUCT) in support of its proposal to move about 430 MW of load from SPP into ERCOT.
The Weather Channel
Frigid Weather Tests Grid Operators
Power prices surged along with demand across much of the U.S. as a blast of Arctic air sent temperatures plunging to record lows.
Fast-Start Resource Pricing Adds to SPP’s Workload in 2018
The Dec. 21 FERC order requiring SPP to help fast-start resources set LMPs added one more to-do for the RTO in what is shaping up to be a busy 2018.
MGN Photo
FERC OKs Changes to SPP’s Tx Planning Process
FERC accepted Tariff revisions to streamline SPP’s Integrated Transmission Planning (ITP) process, despite opposition from wind developers.
Clean Line Energy Partners
Clean Line Sells Okla. Portion of Plains Eastern to NextEra
Clean Line Energy Partners sold all of the Oklahoma portion of the Plains & Eastern transmission project to NextEra Energy.
FERC Drops Fast-Start NOPR; Orders PJM, SPP, NYISO Changes
FERC dropped its plan for a one-size-fits-all rule on fast-start pricing, instead issuing individual orders requiring PJM, SPP and NYISO to change their tariffs.
NERC Assigns SPP RE Registered Entities to MRO, SERC
NERC is offering the 128 Southwest Power Pool (SPP) registered entities a chance to comment after assigning them all to a new Regional Entity.
Texas PUC Challenging SPP-Mountain West Intertie Costs
Texas Public Utility Commission (PUCT) Chair DeAnn Walker briefed her fellow commissioners on matters concerning SPP, MISO and FERC.
Montana PURPA Solar Saga Continues in State Court
Three solar advocates filed a joint challenge to the Montana PSC’s decision to alter the contract terms available to small generators under PURPA.
© RTO Insider
Overheard at the Great Plains Institute SPP Workshop
The Great Plains Institute convened state officials and other stakeholders from across the Midwest for a one-day workshop exploring trends in SPP.

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