September 27, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

AEP Reports Positive Earnings for Q4, 2018
American Electric Power (NYSE:AEP) reported strong 4th quarter and year-end earnings in line with analysts’ expectations and expect it to continue in 2019.
MISO, SPP Regulators Continue Seams Talks
State regulators in MISO and SPP are making progress on the seams issues that continue to vex the RTOs, but much work remains, stakeholders learned.
MMU Report: Wind Forecast Errors Drive SPP Price Spikes
SPP saw an increase in price spikes and overall prices during October and November thanks to above-normal scarcity pricing.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: Jan. 16, 2019
SPP has been tasked with providing an outline of comments for submittal to the EPA in response to its proposed rulemaking under Clean Air Act Section 111b.
SPP Markets & Operations Policy Committee Briefs: Jan. 15, 2019
SPP stakeholders approved changes to the RTO’s generator interconnection process to simplify what had become a burdensome process involving repetitive data.
CAISO Finalizes 32 RC Agreements
CAISO said it had finalized agreements to provide reliability coordinator services with 32 transmission operators and balancing authorities in the West.
Carias, Buffington Smoothly Assume MOPC Leadership
For a historic moment for SPP, the ascension of two women to the RTO’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee leadership was fairly low-key.
SPP Staff Outline Seams Strategy to SSC
SPP’s interregional relations staff shared with the Seams Steering Committee their strategic vision for seams efforts through 2021.
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SPP Still Looking West — and Inward
SPP will this year begin providing reliability coordinator services to more than a dozen entities in the Western Interconnection.
SPP, ERCOT Set New Wind Generation Marks
Both SPP and ERCOT set new records for wind generation, with SPP producing a new wind peak of 16.4 GW after ERCOT topped out at 19.2 GW.

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