September 27, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

Expanded MRO Winds down SPP RE Transition Period
The Midwest Reliability Organization Board of Directors reviewed the transition of former SPP Regional Entity members to MRO.
SPP on Track for WECC RC Certification
SPP said it is confident it will meet its first major target in providing reliability coordination services to 12% of the Western Interconnection’s load.
Stakeholders Mixed on MISO Seams To-do List
Stakeholders gave MISO leadership mixed signals on what they expect from seams policy, though they agreed the RTO shouldn’t strive for exacting consistency in how it deals with different neighbors.
More Work Needed for MISO, SPP on Transparency, FERC Says
FERC ordered MISO and SPP to make additional Tariff changes to comply with the transparency requirements of Order 844 while approving PJM’s filing.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: March 13, 2019
SPP told stakeholders it will have to make decisions on potential interregional projects in the 2019/20 coordinated system plan before hearing from MISO.
Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: March 13, 2019
The Texas PUC formally approved Rayburn Country Electric Cooperative’s request to move about 12% of its load and transmission facilities from SPP into ERCOT
WECC Board Continues Focus on RC Transition
The Western Electricity Coordinating Council continued to deal with issues related to this year’s reliability coordinator transition at its board of directors meeting.
FERC Blocks GridLiance Oklahoma Tx Acquisition
FERC rejected GridLiance High Plains’ plans to acquire transmission from People’s Electric Cooperative, finding the company failed to prove the transaction would not have an adverse impact on rates.
SPP Briefs: Week of March 4, 2019
SPP celebrated the fifth anniversary of its wholesale market by noting it had produced the nation’s lowest electricity costs.
FERC Reverses Waiver on SPP’s Z2 Obligations
FERC reversed a waiver it had issued to SPP on Attachment Z2 of its Tariff and directed it to provide refunds of credit payment obligations, with interest.

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