September 27, 2024

Southwest Power Pool (SPP)

Entergy Celebrates Sale of Final EWC Nuke
Calling it "an important new milestone," Entergy said the sale of Indian Point completes the final disposition of nuclear assets in its wholesale business.
SPP Regional State Committee Briefs: April 29, 2019
SPP’s Regional State Committee endorsed a policy white paper intended to ensure all net peak demand is carrying the appropriate capacity.
HITT Shares Draft Report with SPP Stakeholders
SPP’s Holistic Integrated Tariff Team shared with stakeholders a draft report of high-level recommendations addressing the footprint’s many challenges.
SPP BOD/Members Committee Briefs: April 30, 2019
SPP is stepping up its bid to offer market services in the Western Interconnection, with interested participants approaching the RTO for more details.
SPP MOPC Briefs: April 16-17, 2019
SPP General Counsel Paul Suskie laid out the implications of FERC’s reversal of a waiver it had previously issued to the RTO on Tariff Attachment Z2.
Texas Public Utility Commission Briefs: April 18, 2019
The Texas PUC held off on giving its final blessing to $1.37 billion worth of transactions involving Oncor, Sharyland Utilities and Sempra Energy.
FERC Tells SPP to End Exit Fee for Non-TOs
FERC ordered SPP to eliminate its membership exit fee for non-transmission owners, granting a complaint by wind developers.
FERC Asks RTOs for more Details on Storage Rules
FERC issued deficiency letters to all six jurisdictional RTOs and ISOs over their proposed energy storage rules, pressing for definitions, tariff citations and other details.
SPP Seams Steering Committee Briefs: April 3, 2019
The SPP-MISO Joint Planning Committee has voted to begin a new coordinated system plan this year, SPP staff told the RTO’s Seams Steering Committee.
SPP Solicits Interest in Western Real-time Market
SPP has made its long-held interest in the West official by “calling on interested utilities and other customers” to help build a real-time market “that will meet the electricity needs of the Western Interconnection.”

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