September 29, 2024

Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)

FERC OKs COVID-19 Waiver for MISO LMRs
FERC approved MISO’s request for a one-time waiver giving market participants the opportunity to replace load-modifying resources affected by the pandemic.
FERC Briefs: July 16, 2020
A summary of the numerous orders FERC issued at its July 16, 2020, open meeting.
MISO Keeps Wait-and-See COVID-19 Approach
MISO is still months away from returning its full workforce on-site to its offices, based on indications from its COVID-19 pandemic incident response team.
Record Number of Entrants Line up for MISO Queue
Facing an unprecedented number of new generator applicants, MISO reaffirmed its aim to speed up its interconnection queue.
MISO Foresees Massive Shift to Renewables by 2040
MISO said it foresees hundreds of gigawatts in mostly carbon-free resource additions by 2040, according to its new transmission planning future scenarios.
Monitor Says MISO Needs Higher Reserve Margin
MISO’s Monitor said the RTO would be better served by an even higher planning reserve margin, two days after it recorded its first emergency of the summer.
MISO Market Platform Replacement Project up $20M
MISO’s market platform replacement is $20M over budget as staff navigate the intricacies of replacing a decades-old system and pandemic-related issues.
Panelists: COVID-19 Impact on Tx Planning Unclear
The COVID-19 pandemic has added complexity to near-term electricity demand forecasting, but long-term impacts remain unclear, FERC commissioners heard.
Coal Org Pushes Back on Self-Commit Study
America’s Power has countered a Union of Concerned Scientists analysis claiming coal plant self-commitments are unnecessarily costing ratepayers millions.
MISO Closer to Seasonal Capacity, Reliability Reqs
MISO will evaluate the merits of defining new seasonal reliability criteria and implementing a sub-annual capacity construct, stakeholders learned.

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