September 27, 2024

GridFWD 2024

Oct 1, 2024 - Oct 2, 2024

Grid Forward invites market makers, participants and solution providers to a unique event tailored specifically to explore innovations in market models for states, regulators, TSOs and DSOs to build and operate the modern grid.

Market operators and participants alike are feeling it: current markets are not architected to meet the conflicting demands of progressive public policies, advancing energy technologies and unprecedented extremes in threats to the grid. The diverse community that is modernizing the grid across the western US and Canada needs to rally around new market models that can lower risk and uncertainty while improving resource adequacy, resiliency and equity.

At GridFWD 2024, we’ll paint the whole picture: from increasing market integration to community engagement, from technological drivers of resiliency and reliability to new ways to harness data for forecasting and planning.



Oct 01 - 02 2024


All Day

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Kinnear Centre for Creativity & Innovation
107 Tunnel Mountain Drive Banff, AB T1L Canada