September 29, 2024


U.S. Drought Monitor
NW Hydro Outlook Improves as Drought Retreats — in Some Areas
The Northwest stands out as an exception to the increasingly dire water situation gripping the wider West, boding well for its summer hydropower potential.
ISO-NE Summer Outlook Sunnier than Elsewhere, but not Without Clouds
New England is not facing the same warnings as other regions this summer, but severe heat could still force ISO-NE into emergency actions, the RTO said.
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Fears Already Mounting About Next Winter in New England
Energy sector leaders in New England are already warning of a grim possible scenario for next winter.
Washington State Department of Transportation
Heat, Fire and Supply Chain Woes Threaten California Reliability
Extreme weather, wildfires and supply-chain problems could make CAISO’s grid vulnerable to shortfalls of up to 10 GW through 2025, experts said.
Texas RE
Ex-ERCOT CEO Hopes Focus Stays on Reliability
At the Texas RE Board of Directors meeting, former ERCOT CEO Bob Kahn called for lawmakers to focus on reliability as they work on changes to the markets.
NERC 2022 Summer Reliability Assessment
West, Texas, Midwest at Risk of Summer Shortfalls, NERC Says
Drought, wildfires, plant retirements and transmission outages have elevated the risk of supply shortfalls in the West, Texas, MISO and SPP, NERC said.
AES Indiana
OMS Drafting Letter over MISO Resource Adequacy Concerns
The Organization of MISO States is preparing a letter to MISO leadership to stress resource adequacy work following the last month’s capacity auction.
Clean Energy Group
NEPOOL Markets Committee Briefs: May 10, 2022
The NEPOOL MC discussed changes to the frequency of FCM parameter recalculations, the continuous storage facility model and cybersecurity reporting.
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‘Insane’ Heat, Thermal Outages Stress ERCOT Grid
Hot weather that one weatherman called “categorically insane” has settled over Texas and led ERCOT to call on generators to postpone planned outages.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: April 28, 2022
ERCOT’s board sides with staff over a rule change that gives the ISO the authority to review, coordinate and approve or deny all planned generation outages.

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