September 29, 2024


PJM Planning Committee Briefs: July 12, 2022
A debate over PJM's proposed load model, and discussions of generator deliverability testing and FERC NOPRs highlighted the Planning Committee meeting.
California PUC Opens ‘Critical’ Demand Flexibility Proceeding
The California PUC opened a proceeding on demand flexibility as a way to address the state's electric reliability crisis and limit solar curtailment.
Public Utilities Commission of Ohio
PJM, AEP Address Ohio PUC on June Storms, Power Cuts
Powerful June storms and demand surges in central Ohio forced AEP to cut power to 150,000 customers to prevent further system damage, company executives say.
Report: US Energy Sector Lags on Cyber Preparedness, Response
The clean energy transition in the U.S. is creating a grid that is increasingly distributed and increasingly digital, making it vulnerable to cyberattacks.
summertime fun stevie via Twitte
Ohio Consumers’ Counsel Asks for Independent Probe of AEP
The Ohio Consumers' Counsel wants an independent audit, rather than a PUCO review, of AEP's decision last month to cut power after a wind storm.
Vegetation Eyed in AEP Ohio Outages Following Storms
AEP Ohio told PJM vegetation was a likely cause of the transmission failures that left more than 240,000 customers without power after storms in June.
summertime fun stevie via Twitte
AEP Under Fire as Load Sheds Persist in Ohio
AEP Ohio customers accused the utility of racism for cutting power to poor areas of Columbus following a windstorm while continuing service to the suburbs.
AEP Ohio
PJM Orders Load Sheds in AEP Following Storms
More than 200,000 AEP customers in Ohio lost power after storms damaged multiple transmission lines and forced load sheds on at least three 138-kV lines.
ERCOT Sets New Record for Peak Demand
Sweltering heat has helped ERCOT finally set a new all-time peak demand mark after several close calls during the preceding week.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
DOE Initiative Aims to Make Interconnection ‘Simpler, Faster, Fairer’
The DOE's message is clear: interconnecting solar, wind and other clean energy projects to the grid must be made simpler, faster and fairer.

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