September 29, 2024

Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)

PacifiCorp to Join EDAM, Final Plan Released
CAISO issued its final plan to add a day-ahead market to its real-time Energy Imbalance Market, and PacifiCorp said it would join if the plan is approved.
Business Wire
NV Energy IRP Looks to Reduce Reliance on Open Market
NV Energy has filed a proposal that would reduce Nevada's dependence on the open energy market through new geothermal, storage and a gas-fired peaker.
Energy Strategies/CAISO
West Could Save $1.2B a Year in CAISO EDAM
An extended day-ahead market for CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market could produce up to $1.2 billion annually for Western participants, a new study found.
Pattern Energy
SunZia Transmission OK’d by Ariz. Regulators
Arizona regulators granted a key approval to the SunZia Transmission project, which would deliver wind energy from central New Mexico into Arizona.
CAISO Finalizing Plan for WEIM EDAM
CAISO's draft final proposal for a day-ahead expansion of its Western Energy Imbalance Market is up for review this month, with a final plan due in December.
WEIM Q3 Benefits Top $500M, Near $3B Total
CAISO's Western Energy Imbalance Market reached a record $526 million in benefits in Q3 and neared $3 billion in cumulative benefits since it started in 2014.
CAISO Reports on Summer Heat Wave Performance
CAISO said it avoided September blackouts through a combination of public conservation, imported electricity and coordination with utilities and agencies.
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CREPC Seeks to Become an OPSI for the West
CREPC wants to advise and advocate for Western states considering organized markets, similar to OPSI's role in PJM.
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Western Markets Exploratory Group Shares Views
The Western Markets Exploratory Group made a rare public presentation at CREPC-WIRAB of its behind-the-scenes work evaluating market options for the West.
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FERC Commissioners Opine on Western RTO
Commissioners Mark Christie and James Danly addressed the pros and cons of the West’s pursuit of greater market coordination at the fall CREPC-WIRAB meeting.

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